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Showing posts from September, 2016

What was my biggest mistake?

I've recently learned that my biggest mistake is that bad habit of not believing someone when they tell me their truth at the beginning of a relationship. Thinking ‘that isn't right’ or ‘I'm sure I can help’ or ‘together we can make it right’ or some such conceit. So: if I had listened to my first husband when he told me his goal was to go mad, then when he threatened suicide: if I'd paid attention and said to myself: do I really really want to have children with this man, given what his goals are? I would have said no, and moved on to have my children with someone healthier and happier. Instead I loved his neediness, his brilliance and creativity and thought I could change his goals. I thought I wouldn't believe him because he might think those things but - surely with me as his wife, that wouldn't necessarily happen, right? Wrong. and it took me a long time to realise that I could do nothing to help this man. Love didn't heal his hurts, intelligenc

I start my day: how does it compare to yours?

Yeah, this may be boring, but here goes... Wake up 6.30am to my two black polydactyl cats running over the bed like elephants and rain. It rains a lot where I live, especially in the spring, Which is the season we have here now. Northern New Zealand, while the rest of the world has water shortages, it's not so likely here so long as we can collect rain from the sky. Get up after reading on Here's my profile there and my answers, good and bad  Quora Profile Take my Dragon's Breath! Ha! Essential drinking for anyone over 50: Check out the recipe Go to fitness blender on YouTube and do a half hour of exercise. Today it was stretching.  Fitness Blender: Awesome Then, wake up further by listening  and dancing to a bunch of Lady Gaga songs while I make breakfast which is home made enriched porridge. Yech! why porridge you ask? I've found that after years of eating crud manufactured breakfast foods or toast for breakfast, that oatmeal or millett porridge wit